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Update Booking Page custom CSS via API

If you want to integrate your custom CSS for the meetergo booking page into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline, you can use the meetergo API to automatically update the custom CSS. This process is straightforward and requires only one authorized API call.

Step 1: Set up API keys

If you haven't already, follow the authentication guide to generate an API Key for this integration.

Step 2: Make API request

With our API key ready, we can now prepare the request.

PATCH /company

Include the full CSS in the request body like so:

"customBookingCSS": "/* Valid CSS rules here */"

For best results, ensure that the CSS is minified and trimmed.

Upon a successful request, you will receive a 20x Response, and the CSS changes will be applied to your booking page within a few minutes.


This example uses curl to send a PATCH request to the /company endpoint with the Authorization header containing your API key and the customBookingCSS value in the request body.

curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your_api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"customBookingCSS": "/* Your custom CSS rules here */"}'